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Civil law
Attorneys from the Civil Department are experts in the field of civil law, i.e. in the field of property, inheritance, family and obligations law.
We represent clients in affairs that fall into the listed legal areas in court and administrative procedures as well as inspection procedures in front of other state bodies. We prepare contracts for them and other documents and provide counselling services.
We cooperate closely with colleagues from other departments in our law firm.
Our services
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Uroš Pogačnik
- T: +386 (0)30 301 007
- E: uros.pogacnik@ceferin.si
Maja Guštin
- T: +386 (0)30 301 022
- E: maja.gustin@ceferin.si
Gašper Dernovšek
- T: +386 (0)30 301 060
- E: gasper.dernovsek@ceferin.si
Jaka Šubic
- T: +386 (0)1 786 4640
- E: jaka.subic@ceferin.si
Nina Čeferin Benedik
- T: +386 (0)30 301 070
- E: nina.ceferin@ceferin.si
Aleš Mesarič
- T: +386 (0)30 301 071
- E: ales.mesaric@ceferin.si
Polona Žibert
- T: +386 (0)30 301 065
- E: polona.zibert@ceferin.si
Matic Omerzu
- T: +386 (0)30 30 10 08
- E: matic.omerzu@ceferin.si
Nik Gačeša
- T: +386 (0)30 301 013
- E: nik.gacesa@ceferin.si
Aljaž Čoko
- T: +386 (0)30 301 005
- E: aljaz.coko@ceferin.si
Janez Koščak
- T: +386 (0)30 301 006
- E: janez.koscak@ceferin.si
Mag. Vlasta Petrucci
- T: +386 (0)30 301 057
- E: vlasta.petrucci@ceferin.si
Tibor Gregl
- T: +386 (0)30 301 011
- E: tibor.gregl@ceferin.si
Sanja Sega
- T: +386 (0)30 301 037
- E: sanja.sega@ceferin.si
Janez Nemanič
- T: +386 (0)30 301 027
- E: janez.nemanic@ceferin.si
Kaja Kern
- T: +386(0)30301055
- E: kaja.kern@ceferin.si
Jožef Klavdij Novak
- T: +386 (0)30 301 019
- E: jozefklavdij.novak@ceferin.si
Maša Novak
- T: +386 (0)30 301 009
- E: masa.novak@ceferin.si
Lena Oreškovič
- T: +386 (0)30 301 047
- E: lena.oreskovic@ceferin.si
Andrej Pohar
- T: +386 (0)30 301 033
- E: andrej.pohar@ceferin.si
Anja Uzelac
- T: +386 (0)30 301 041
- E: anja.uzelac@ceferin.si
Gaja Čeferin Burja
- T: +386 (0)30 301 069
- E: gaja.ceferin@ceferin.si
Aleš Mesarič
- T: +386 (0)30 301 071
- E: ales.mesaric@ceferin.si
Maja Brunskole
- T: +386 (0)30 301 044
- E: maja.brunskole@ceferin.si
Tajda Vraničar Klepec
- T: +386 (0)30 30 10 04
- E: tajda.vranicar@ceferin.si
Tjaša Godunc
- T: +386 (0)30 30 10 12
- E: tjasa.godunc@ceferin.si
Eva Koderman
- T: +386 (0)30 301 018
- E: eva.koderman@ceferin.si
Tjaša Smole
- T: +386(0)30301061
- E: tjasa.smole@ceferin.si
Ana Košir
- T: +386(0)30 301 003
- E: ana.kosir@ceferin.si